Frequently Asked Question

How do I display my Listing?

Add your listing simply by clicking "Advertise" link on the top of the home page. Once you submit the form, once reviewed by ITradeProperty team, Listing will be displayed in home page as a first listing.

Is there any cost to advertise my Listing?

No, adding listings is totally free of charge unlike other websites where you have to pay certain fees. You can post as many Listings as you want.

How do I manage my Listing?

When adding your Listing, you are required to provide your email address and a password. You can manage your Listing by logging into Login page of, Please ensure you use the same email address and password if you want to post multiple listings and manage multiple listings in the same portal.

How can I list my Listing in the home page?

Listings posted on are served on a first come first served basis. The latest listing is displayed on the home page. If you have an existing Listing and would like to display on top of the list, please update them frequently and it will be displayed at the top.

I think this is my Ad but I forgot the login details?

If you have forgotton your login details simply send us an email with your email address by visiting Contact us page and we will email you the login details

How long is my listing desplayed on the website?

Your Listing is displayed for as long as you require

How do I remove my listing?

You can simplay remove your listing by logging into the website using your login details and press delete link next to the Ad List

How to generate leListing via uses the best search engine optimization techiques, where by search engines such as google will crawl the site and people searching for Classified Listing will be able to find your listing. Once the visitor expresses interest in your listing, an automated email is send to your email address notifying that you have received a message. To access the message please use your login details and go to the message board section of the site.

Are listing screened before they are published on the site?

Yes, all listings submitted to are viewed to ensure that only are related to the categories on the site are published. Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and pornographic language will not be published.