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Property Overview

Atlantic Coast Farm

Price: USD 8388607
Location: Alamikamba, NICARAGUA
Property Type: Plot of land
Ad Type: Buy-Sell

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Property Details

Atlantic Coast Farm

A large tract of pineland near the

Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua is for sale by owners. This is the largest tract of privately held land between the Darien area

of Panama and the northern border of Mexico.
$ US 500, 00 per hectar
58.500, 00 ha
This Atlantic Coast farm consists of two adjacent tracts of timber and rangeland in

the North Atlantic Coast Region with a total area of 58.500 hectars. It has been the property of private timber interests

since 1908 when it was purchased from the government of Nicaragua.

The western tract, 9.882 ha is traversed by the

Prinzapolka River which enters tha Atlantic at the port of Prinzapolka, about 27 miles to the east.

The village of

Alamikamba, estimated population 500, is situated within the northern part of the tract, on the north side of the Prinzapolka


There is a public, unpaved road westward from Alamikamba through the mining area of Siuna to Managua. This is a

12 hour trip in a 4 wheel drive vehicle during the dry season. Part of the road is near impassable during the rainy


The eastern tract, 18.888 ha, touches the Rio Grande de Matagalpa River along a small section near the village

of Makantaka, estimated population 50. The Rio Grande de Matagalpa flows east into the Coastal Canal to



The Prinzapolka River, which transects the northern part of the ranch, has a depth of

6 to 8 feet and can handle barges of 700 tons. The nearest river port of Limbaica once had a floating pier which was used by

mining companies in the 70

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