Whether you are buying, renting or selling; whether you are looking for a holiday home, for an investment, commercial realestate and any other type of property for sale in France , ITradeProperty can help. ITradeProperty was launched in 2009, ITradeProperty contains property listing directly from owner or real estate agent. We invite you to browse through our website to find out what we can do for you and search for the property you are looking for. If your search doesnt return any results, simply contact us via filling the form and let us know what are you looking for details...
Price: EUR 154960Location: PUTANGES, FRANCEProperty Type: HouseAd Type: Buy-Sell
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Bungalow Lots in Bandar Baru Puncak Alam, Shah Alam. Land area 17,728 sq ft, vacant, RM14 psf.
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